miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2015

24 hours of innovation - Soluci?n Group

Our Mission

We are an organization that propose viable solutions to different situations, setting as a priority society’s needs, and presenting different ways to reach a result that satisfy the specifications, in the shortest possible time and that stay solid in the long term.

Our Vission

Apply sustainable technologies that allows us to collaborate in dangerous situations in which people’s integrity is threatened.


We live in a world of unexplored territories, full of landscapes of great beauty that encourage you to do excursions, mountain climbing or other extreme sports that could expose you to great risks such as natural events (avalanches, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, forest fires, etc.) or physical injuries, car or air accidents and even getting lost for not knowing well the area or because of weather conditions.  
When an accident occurs, a search and rescue operation must be conducted. It’s then when rescue squads and firemen have to start working. It’s not always possible for the rescue team to access affected zones in a riskless and quick way. Thanks to new technologies diverse search system have been developed in the last few years, but there are still inconveniences that can be worsened with time, that contributes to a key factor in this situation that gradually takes more lives. under these conditions, every year thousands of people suffer accidents in the wild enviroment.


A drone has a great ability to explore, that together with the possibility of including cameras, carrying objects and its versatility makes it the ideal candidate for monitoring and exploration tasks. However, it has very little autonomy of flight, which leads to bring down its aspirations to long journeys.
The objective is to find a solution to the problem of drone’s battery short duration and low capability of storage, without reinventing the drone but, instead, with a system that allows people to take full advantage of drone’s potential.
The Soluci?nes’ project is based in a “drone exchange” that consists in a platform, with linked drones that diverge in type according to the territory’s dimensions.
The platform is itself a drone that helps with battery and information exchange, and allows the recharge of the linked drones.

Offered solution

The main platform, called Self-Sustainable Exchange Drone (SED) includes a hybrid air balloon, with helium and hot air, that ease air suspension. A solar panel with a tracking system allows in an optimal way the obtention of energy from the sun and use it to recharge the battery of the platform by induction charging. In addition, this has additional batteries to the drones and the platform and thus increase the working time of the system. The number of batteries depends on the required autonomous time.

For example, for 2 drones, 6 batteries are needed charged and ready on the base. These are mounted on a rotating system which is responsible for making the battery exchange when a drone lands on the platform.
In case the activity requires an uninterrupted use of the system, for example for days, we use the solar panel located at the bottom of the platform for recharging the main battery. Taking advantage of the positioning system, the device can be rotated about its axis so that the panel is always pointed in the direction of the sun, optimizing its efficiency.
Our design allows extending the flight time of the drones as long as necessary. For example: to search in extensive grounds, the platform is positioned in the center of the area to explore, and drones are sent to fly one at a time. When one battery is almost discharged, a signal is sent indicating the return to the platform and another drone is sent to replace the first one. When it reaches the base, the drone exchanges it battery through an automatic. The empty battery is recharged in the platform.
It has the great advantage of modifying the action ratio, by relocating the SED. The result is an unmanned observation system whose flying time is longer than the rest of the implementations in the field.

Swot Analysis

Innovative, efficient, sustainable.
It is not a product for the common people; it is designed for tourism businesses and rescue teams.
Beyond infrastructure costs, economic benefits are seen in the long term.
It may be affected by weather conditions and Air Force Regulations

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